Call for Papers

Submission opens for December 2024 (Twelfth Issue)

Important Dates:

Submission opens:

26th August, 2024

Last Date to receive article for publication consideration:

21st November, 2024

Notification to Author on review decision:

After 3 weeks of submission

Publication schedule (On-Line Open Access and Print version):

25 December 2024

Online Submission System:


(please send PDF and LaTeX or MS-Word versions)


The Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (JESC) is a high quality open access peer reviewed interdisciplinary research journal with no publication fee. JESC is providing a platform for researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. We would like to invite you to contribute a Research Paper for publication in JESC. The interdisciplinary journal covers all areas of Computer Science, Information Technology, all disciplines of Engineering, basic sciences, and all other streams of applied science. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and technical notes. All articles will be blind peer-reviewed. Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages and should not be less than 8 pages. The Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (JESC), is published by the Islamic University of Madinah and endeavors to serve as a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas and sharing experiences to bridge the gap between the Engineering, Science and Computing theory and its application to solve the most current problems and challenges faced by 21st century organisations.

Paper Templates:

Both LaTex and MS-Word templates are provided. For the LaTeX template, please unzip the provided file in your folder and use.

Download Template: Ms Word Document | LaTex

Areas for the call for papers:

This call includes but not restricted to the following areas.

Computing Topics

  • Parallel, distributed and high-performance computing
  • Computer Networks.
  • Wireless communications and sensors.
  • Internet of things and smart cities.
  • Mobile Computing.
  • Information and Cyber security
  • Blockchain
  • Virtual reality and game development
  • E-learning
  • Soft computing
  • Software engineering
  • Human computer interaction
  • Bioinformatics
  • Data science techniques
  • Computational intelligence and machine learning
  • Big data and business intelligence
  • Knowledge management and decision support systems
  • Digital signal processing
  • Image processing and computer vision
  • Robotics, microcontrollers, and embedded systems.

  • Engineering Topics

    Electrical Engineering

  • Power System analysis
  • Electrical machines
  • Power electronics and drivers
  • Control engineering
  • Communication theory and applications
  • Signal processing and DSP
  • Electronics, VLSI and SoC
  • Microwave theory and applications
  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Heat storage
  • Heating/Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
  • Power Plant and Desalination
  • Combustion
  • Hydrogen, Biofuel and Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology
  • Energy and Environment
  • Single and multiple phase flow/CFD (computational Fluid Dynamics)
  • Aerodynamics
  • Advanced Materials
  • Machine Design
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Dynamics, Vibration, and Control
  • Fracture Mechanics and Failure analysis
  • Mechatronics
  • Chemical Engineering

  • Biochemical engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical processes
  • Electrochemistry
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Environmental Engineering and Science
  • Geological Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering and Science
  • Environmental Chemistry and Technology

  • ScienceTopics


  • Green and Environmental Chemistry
  • Water Treatment / Metal Corrosion
  • Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds, Metal Complexes, and their Applications
  • Nanomaterials / Nanocomposites / Polymers and their Applications
  • Biochemistry and Drug Discovery
  • Renewable Energy / Photo and Radiation Chemistry
  • Water, Environmental Pollution, and Waste Treatment
  • Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Renewable Energy and its Applications
  • Physics

  • Computational Physics
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Medical and Biological Applications
  • Atomic Physics
  • Nuclear and Radiation Physics
  • Basic and Applied Physics
  • Thin Film Technology and Solar Cells
  • Advanced Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Plasma, and Laser Technology and their Applications
  • Mathematics

  • Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Algebra and its Applications
  • Statistics and its Applications
  • Analysis and its Applications
  • Differential Geometry and its Applications
  • Differential Equations and their Applications
  • About JESC

    The Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (JESC) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online & print publication of scholarly articles. JESC aims invite authors from the corners of the world and provides a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century. JESC targets to be timely in broadcasting cutting-edge knowledge to engineers, scientists, researchers, and academics whose interest is in the emerging developments includes all aspects of Engineering, Science and Computing with emphasis on algorithms, architectures, design methodologies, processes, testing, tools and technologies and related areas of research. There is NO publication fees to publish in this journal.

    This journal is issued twice a year in March and September.

    This journal is administered and published by the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

    Please send all your manuscripts in MS-Word and PDF to the following address:

    e-ISSN: 1658-7944

    JESC Code of Ethics and Terms of Reference



    The Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (JESC) is a high-quality open-access peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research journal with no publication fee. The JESC provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality original empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, state of the art literature reviews, and technical notes. This interdisciplinary journal covers all areas of Computer Science, Information Technology, all disciplines of Engineering, basic sciences, and other streams of applied sciences. All articles are blind peer-reviewed. Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages and should not be less than 8 pages as per the JESC formatting standard. The Journal is published by the Islamic University of Madinah and endeavors to serve as a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas and sharing experiences to bridge the gap between the Engineering, Science and Computing theory and its application to solve the most current problems and challenges faced by 21st-century organizations.

    Publication Ethics

    In line with the mission of the Islamic University of Madinah, the JESC aims to promote and circulate knowledge and support of its scientific publications. Within the framework of this mandate, the university press assumes an impartial, unbiased, and highly ethical viewpoint on the subject matter in its publications.

    Open Access

    There are "No Article Processing Fees" to publish articles in the JESC. Articles are free to access via the JESC web portal.


    The Islamic University of Madinah is the publisher of the JESC.

    Publishing Ethics for JESC Editors

    Editorial Responsibilities

    Editorial Responsibilities The JESC is served by the international editorial board and international editorial advisory board. Editors are responsible for the timely publication of the manuscripts as per the publication schedule and are published in the journal. This includes measures to assess the quality of the scientific material that is considered for the journal. Editors must be fair-minded and sensible in the execution of their duties, without any kind of bias or discrimination. Editors should state clearly to authors and reviewers on everything that is expected of them.


    The editor and the editorial team may not pass on information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author, reviewer, potential reviewer, any other editorial consultant.

    Peer review

    It is the journal's policy to conduct at least two blind peer reviews of each submission of the articles it receives. Based on the originality, research rigor, quality of scientific methodology, article presentations, and suitability of the contents of the articles for the JESC, without the intervention of the peer review process, the editors must decide which articles should be published. An explanation of the peer review processes is described via the JESC web portal. Editors are responsible to justify any deviations from the peer review processes as articulated. Editors can further invite alternate review in case it is deemed necessary to uphold the quality of the review process. Editors should treat submissions impartially, fairly, and appropriately and treat all manuscripts confidentially so that the manuscripts can only be passed on to others for peer review. JESC Editors maintain a system to ensure that the identity of peer reviewers, authors, are protected and conflict of interests are not compromised. In case of misconduct, including plagiarism, or if doubtful authorships are suspected, editors are guided by JESC's international editorial board via publication ethics guidelines and committee decisions. Editors, via the JESC web portal, provides guidelines on JESC publication policies and keep all members informed of the new guidelines, announcements, and future developments.

    Conflicts of interest

    Editors maintain a system to manage any conflicts of interest, of the authors, reviewers, and editors.

    Publishing Ethics for JESC authors

    Plagiarism statement for Ethical Guidelines

    It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the manuscript submitted is original and does not contain plagiarized material. Plagiarism involves passing on the work of someone else other than the author(s), that is, reusing text, results, or creative expression without expressly acknowledging or referring to the original author or publication. Authors should be aware that the self-plagiarism, defined as the re-use of substantial portions of the author's work or published work without attribution to the source (see the JESC website). Examples of plagiarism are verbatim copying of published articles; text copy of published articles, such as figures, tables, and equations. The author must obtain appropriate permission and properly cite or cite non-original material to the sources. In this context, "citing" is defined as reusing other works with appropriate credit. An appropriate quotation is given as to whether the material was written by another author or by the author previously. Publication ethics prohibit duplicate publication as well. Plagiarism, which skews ideas, words, computer code, or other creative expressions such as the author's own, is an obvious violation of the ethical principles. Plagiarism includes a variety of forms, including literal copying, quasi-literal copying, or deliberately paraphrasing parts of another author's article. Copy items from another author's article, such as well-known equations or figures, or intentionally copy or paraphrase sentences without citing the source. Self-plagiarism is disallowed in JESC. The journal defines self-plagiarism as the literal or literal re- use of substantial parts of a copyrighted work without citing the source. Other types of unethical and data manipulation include tempering data in ways that deceive others and that violate both core values and professional standards. This involves misrepresenting research - using selective or fraudulent data to support a hypothesis or claim. Duplicate publication or submission of research results and failure to review the article or submit it to the JESC is fundamentally unethical.

    Responsibilities of the Author

    Authors should declare that all work in their submitted piece is original and they should appropriately cite the content of the manuscript from other sources to avoid plagiarism. Authors should ensure that their contribution is free from any defamatory material and recognize the copyrights or other intellectual property rights or patents or any other third-party rights. The list of authors included in the manuscript should exactly list who executed the research and who penned the article, and the order of the author should be cooperatively determined by all authors to avoid any future conflicts. The JESC provides monetary rewards to the corresponding author only upon publication of the manuscript, as articulated in the JESC web portal. All authors are notified of their article's submission to the JESC via web portal and authors should ensure that their submitted manuscript is not reviewed or accepted for publication elsewhere. If the similarity content of the submitted manuscript, exceeds a threshold limit of overlap as described by the JESC web portal, the manuscript will be declined for publication. Authors must provide consent to reproduce content from third-party sources, such as texts, images, equations, illustrations, etc. If the article under consideration, received a research fund, the author(s) must acknowledge such source of funding as a part of research ethics. The responsibility falls on the author(s).

    Disclosure and conflicts of interest

    The authors should indicate potential conflicts of interest for the submitted manuscript for publication consideration. Unpublished material that has been published in a manuscript may not be used as the author's research without the unambiguous written consent of the author with justification expressing why such repetition is necessary. The JESC maintains a similarity policy as described in the journal web. The authors should provide a detailed report of a collaborative work that is completed. The original data should be complete in the document. The manuscript should contain sufficient features and references for others to reproduce the work. Deceitful or knowingly incorporating erroneous statements characterize unethical conduct. Authors are urged to provide the raw data in conjunction with an editorial review process of the article and should be prepared to provide public access to this data in case it may be necessary. Authors should notify the Editor in Chief of any possible errors in their published work in methods, material, results, and conclusions, to publish an erratum or addendum, or revocation, as the case may be. Authors are can appeal editorial decisions via the JESC web portal and email contact.

    Publishing Ethics for JESC Reviewers

    Responsibilities of Reviewers

    The task of reviewers is to contribute to editorial decisions. The peer review supports the editor in editorial decisions and can also help the author(s) to improve the article through editorial communication with the author. The JESC selects reviewers who have the proper knowledge in the field and follows best practices to avoid choosing fraudulent peer reviewers. The JESC Editorial Board initially evaluates manuscripts on their intellectual content, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religious belief, citizenship, or philosophy of the authors before they are sent to the peer-review process. JESC uses an electronic distribution system for all communication. Reviewers should help improve the quality of a submitted article by reviewing the manuscript promptly with care, consideration, feedback, and objectivity. An evaluation form is provided to the reviewers to identify the strength and weaknesses of a manuscript under review. The reviewer's evaluation is categorized as (1) recommend to accept the paper as it is or (2) recommend to reject the paper or (3) suggest major revisions and restructuring of the manuscript for 2nd round review or (4) suggest minor revisions. Reviewers should inform the JESC editorial board of any published or submitted content that is similar to the material to be reviewed, or suspected of plagiarism. Reviewers should identify potential conflicts of interest associated with a particular article or author. Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of any information or material provided during the review process.

    Article Evaluation form

    JESC: Journal Article Evaluation Form

    1=Inadequate/Insignificant, 2=Poor, 3= Fair, 4=Good, 5=Excellent                                                                                                                                                            

    #  Characteristics 1             2             3             4             5            
    1  Originality                                                                 
    2  Title and keywords are relevant to the content                                                                 
    3  Technical and Theoretical Contents are appropriate (Problem or research issue is significant?)                                                                 
    4  Relationship of the problem to previous research is made clear                                                                 
    5  Presentation quality (Article is clearly-written, Logically organized)                                                                 
    6  Theory and Methodology appropriate                                                                 
    7  Experimentation, Data Collection, Sampling Appropriate, and Data Analysis are scientific                                                                 
    8  Results and Analysis are presented clearly                                                                 
    9  Conclusions are clearly stated                                                                 
    10  References are appropriate, current, relevant and properly cited in the article                                                                 
    11  Overall rating of the Article                                                                 
    12  Recommendations:
    • Accept the Manuscript as it is
    • Revisions Required
    • Major revisions and restructuring of Manuscript is required
    • Reject the manuscript
    13  Required: Comments to the Author. (attach extra papers/spaces if need be)                                                                 
    14  Required: State what was original about this article. (attach extra papers/spaces if need be)                                                                 

    Submitting Your Paper

    General Rules

    The criteria for publication of scientific papers are that they:

    1. Report original scientific research (the main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere).
    2. Fit with the topics of the journal.
    3. Report novel results, innovative work and show a new scientific contribution.
    4. Not to bear similarity of more than 25% of a previously published work of the same author(s).
    5. Follow the rules, regulation and authentic research methodologies.
    6. Fulfill the required items and the format of the journal provided in appendix below related to the guide for author.
    7. Opinions expressed in published articles commit the authors themselves only and not necessarily the opinion of the journal.

    For All articles

    For IU to publish and disseminate research articles, the authors must transfer copyright to the publisher as part of a journal publishing agreement. IU is granted to the following rights:

    • The exclusive right to publish and distribute and article, and to grant rights to others, including commercial purposes.
    • For open access articles, IU will apply the relevant third-party user license where IU publishes the article on its online platforms.
    • The right to provide the article in all forms and media so the article can be used on the latest technology even after publication.
    • The authority to enforce the rights in the article, on behalf of an author, against third parties, for example in the case of plagiarism or copyright infringement.

    Authors retain the right to:

    • Share their article for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and Scholarly Sharing purposes.
    • Get one free hard copy.

    Author Guide

    Submitted articles should contain the following items:

    • Title
    • Names of authors with affiliation and email address
    • Keywords
    • Introduction
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • References
    • Artwork, Tables and figures with Captions.
    • Appendixes

    NOTE: For non-Arabic speakers, the journal will provide a translation of the abstracts of accepted articles. This service is free.

    The paper should follow the format as given by the template (both LaTeX and MS-Word templates are provided - Please check the Call for Papers)


    Authors are required to follow the IEEE citation style. Some examples are provided below.

    List: Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.

    • Reference to a journal publication in Print:
    • [1] G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications," IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.

    • Reference to a book:
    • [2] U. J. Gelinas, Jr., S. G. Sutton, and J. Fedorowicz, Business Processes and Information Technology. Cincinnati: South-Western/Thomson Learning, 2004.

    • Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
    • [3] O. B. R. Strimpel, "Computer graphics," in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th ed., Vol. 4. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997, pp. 279-283.

    • Reference to a website:
    • [4] J. Geralds, "Sega Ends Production of Dreamcast,", para. 2, Jan. 31, 2001. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 12, 2004].

    • Reference to a conference paper (in Print):
    • [5] M. Oguro, S. Imahiro, S. Saito, T. Nakashizuka, Mortality data for Japanese oak wilt disease and surrounding forest compositions, Mendeley Data, v1, 2015.

    Review Process:

    • The researcher should send his research to the journal electronically, in both Word and PDF format
    • The researcher writes a written letter that his submitted research has not been published, not submitted for publication, and will not be published on another journal until the review process is completed.
    • The editorial board of the journal has the right to first check the research, determine its eligibility for review, or reject it.
    • In case of non-eligibility for review, the researcher will be notified.
    • In case of determination of the eligibility of the search for arbitration, the search shall be sent to two arbitrators, at least.
    • After the reviewers reports are completed, a letter is sent to the researcher, including one of the following cases:
      1. Accept the paper for publication directly
      2. Accept the paper with minor changes
      3. Extra work is needed and re-submission required.
      4. Reject the submitted article.
    • In case of accepting the article with minor changes, the author is given a deadline to perform and send the required changes to the editor. Failure to meet the deadline might result in rejecting the submitted article .
    • The editorial board of the journal preserves the right to prioritize publication of submitted articles according to journal policy.


    This Journal is indexed by Google Scholar.

    We are currently in the process of applying for this index.

    We are currently in the process of applying for this index.

    Editorial Board

    Editor-in-Chief Ahmad B. Alkhodre

    Professor, Computer Science, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

    Managing Editor Fazal Noor

    Professor, Computer science and engineering, Islamic University of Madinah. Saudi Arabia

    Editorial Board Members

    Tomita Kentaro

    Associate Professor, Division of Quantum Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan

    Fayez Gebali

    Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada

    Abdul Qadir Bhatti

    Professor, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah. Saudi Arabia

    Saad Talal Alharbi

    Professor in Computer Science, � Human Computer Interaction,Faculty of Computers, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

    Essam Ramadan Shaaban

    Professor, Physics, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Egypt

    Yazed Alsaawy

    Associate Professor, Computer and information systems, Islamic University of Madinah. Saudi Arabia

    Shamsuddin Ahmed

    Professor, Industrial Engineering ,The Faculty of Computer and Information Systems Islamic University of Madinah

    Reda Mohamed Awad El-Shishtawy

    Professor, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Department � Faculty of Science - King Abdulaziz University,Saudia Arabia

    M. M. Khader

    Professor, Numerical Analysis, Alimam University, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia

    Basem R. Alamri

    Associate Professor of Electrical Power Engineering ,Taif University

    Advisory Board

    Hussein T. Mouftah

    Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Canada Research Chair in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Distinguished University Professor, University of Ottawa

    Diaa Khalil

    Professor, Electrical Engineering, and Vice-Dean, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

    Sultan T. Abu-Orabi Aladwan

    Professor, Organic Chemistry, Jordan

    Claus Haetinger

    Professor, Mathematics, Brazil

    Kamal Mansour Jambi

    Professor, Computer and Information Systems, King Abdel-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Ameen Farouq Fahmy

    Professor, Chemistry, Egypt

    A. Ghafoor

    Professor, Mechanical Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan

    Mahmoud Abdel-Aty

    Professor, Applied Mathmatics, Egypt

    Contact Us

    The Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (JESC)
       (+966) 14 8472417
      (+966) 14 8454285
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