Predicting the Stagnation Time of Covid-19 Pandemic Using Bass Diffusion and Mini-Batch Gradient Descent Models

Mohamed Atef Mosa

Keywords: Data analysis, prediction, COVID-19, Bass diffusion model, mini-batch gradient descent

Issue II, Volume II, Pages 174 - 194

The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which first appeared in Wuhan, China, in December of 2019, spread quickly around the world, eventually categorizing it as a global "Epidemic". In early 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 emerging virus had devastating effects on all aspects of daily life, public health, and even the global economy. During that epidemic, much effort had been made to predict the number of confirmed and deaths, and when the epidemic would subside. However, the prediction of epidemic indications (COVID-19) was highly uncertain and different from what happened next. Multiple and rapid virus mutations, and late detection of infection in many cases of people, have made the prediction process complicated and difficult, with some of the proposed models appearing to be largely misleading. In this research paper, we reviewed the analytical and statistical methods to extrapolate the most important data and indicators about the infection (COVID-19) and the rate of confirmed, recovery, and deaths during the past few months in some countries of the world, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, we proposed the time for the infection to subside in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and some other countries. In the proposed prediction model, the Bass diffusion model was adopted by combining with the mini-batch Gradient descent algorithm to obtain the optimum values for the Bass algorithm parameters. The model was trained on about 85% of the available historical data and tested on the rest of the data. The proposed model indicated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will face an increase in the coming days in terms of the high number of confirmed cases. Moreover, the rate of increase in injuries will decrease over time until it reaches its lowest levels in January of the next year. The model also showed that the curved flattening point for confirmed figures will be at the mentioned month, which is the expected date for the epidemic to recede in Saudi Arabia in the absence of other aftershocks.

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