A Topic-based Forensic Analysis and Visualization of an Email network: Application to the Enron Dataset

Casey Kalinowski, M. Zakaria KURDI

Keywords: topic modeling, Social Network Analysis (SNA), Social Network Visualization, Term Frequency (TF), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).

Issue II, Volume I, Pages 1-22

This work is about visualizing an email network with graphs. This visualization is based on the email’s topics.

So, the first part of this work is about exploring three rule-based methods and an unsupervised method of topic

detection applied to a large dataset. Keyword or Term Frequency (TF) method is used as a baseline for comparison.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) combined with WordNet as well as two versions of conceptual topic detection,

both involving a version of keyword extraction combined with WordNet, are also compared. Our results show that LDA

combined with wordnet has the highest precision but a comparable F-measure to the conceptual approaches.

Through a series of examples, we then demonstrate how annotating the emails with topics is a good way to shed light on

the underlying professional and social relationships within the email network, which can provide substantial help within application

contexts such as forensic investigations. This annotation is also showed to help in providing quantitative feedback about the performance

of the topic detection algorithms.

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