Design And Development of a Feeding Unit for Medical Devices Implanted Inside Human Body Using Artificial Intelligence Theories

Abdulkarim Almuhammad, Mohanad Alrasheed

Keywords: Micro-electromagnetic, Direct AC-DC Step Up Converter, dsPIC, Biomedical Implants, micro-generator, Artificial Intelligence Theories.

In this research paper, we present the design and development of a power unit for medical devices that are implanted inside the human body. It uses a micro-electromagnetic generator to generate electrical energy by taking advantage of natural vibrations to generate electrical energy in order to supply these applications that need electrical supply for a long period without human intervention. We used a direct lever rectifier switch. Direct AC-DC Step Up Converter for low voltage amplitude to reach a value suitable for the application in the open loop. The voltage in the closed loop was then regulated using a fuzzy controller based on digital signal processing chips, which allowed improving the performance of the converter. To calculate the fuzzy controller, we used the Fuzzy Logic tool of MATLAB. 

Interconnection circuits were proposed to adapt low-level signals to control circuits and power switches. We performed a simulation of the entire system, represented by the control circuit based on digital signal processing chips, the fuzzy control algorithm, and the switcher using the Proteus program in the open and closed loop, and then we compared and discussed the results. 

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