Multiple sources of big data are used to create a method for protecting computer networks

Mohammad Eid Alzahrani

The purpose of this article is to present a model for the cybersecurity defense of computer networks that makes use of big data from multiple sources. The purpose of this endeavor is to improve the overall security of computer networks by addressing the limitations of the defense systems that are currently in place. A comprehensive analysis of the current state of network security is carried out, with a particular emphasis placed on the difficulties that are encountered in this field. After that, the concept of big data that comes from multiple sources is presented as a potential solution. A definition of big data and an analysis of the multisource big data model are presented in this article. An information system network security framework is presented that can be found in this article. The model illustrates the connection between network operations, potential security risks, attacks on networks, and the defense provided by security devices. For the purpose of developing a defense system measurement and optimization system, the network security system measurement and optimization scheme is utilized. Real-world scenarios are skillfully incorporated into the application analysis that is being conducted for the project. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed network security defense system evaluation and optimization scheme. This is accomplished by evaluating and enhancing the security defense system through the utilization of conventional methods.

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