Geometry of Quasi bi-slant conformal Submersions from Kenmotsu manifold

Fahad Sikander, Tanveer Fatima, Mohammad Shuaib

Keywords: Kenmotsu manifold, Riemannian submersions, Conformal bi-slant submersions, quasi bi-slant submersions.

In this study, we examine Quasi bi-slant conformal submersions originating from a Kenmotsu manifold, focusing on the vertical Reeb vector field ? . Initially, we explore the integrability conditions for the distributions defined by quasi-bi-slant submersions. Furthermore, we delve into the geometry of the associated leaves. The research concludes by presenting two intriguing observations regarding the pluriharmonicity of Quasi Bi-Slant Conformal Submersions and includes several non-trivial examples of such submersions.

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