Assessment of the Quality of Health Services in Private Hospitals in Madinah Region from the Patients’ Point of View

Awadh Matar Al-Mutairi

Keywords: Quality of Health Services, Private Hospitals, Madinah Region

The current study aimed to identify the assessment of the quality of health services in private hospitals in Madinah region from the patients' point of view using the descriptive analytical approach. The study sample consisted of (586) patients who visit private hospitals in Madinah. The study tool consisted of a two-part questionnaire: the first is demographic data, while the second consists of the study themes, which involve measuring the effect of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, quality assurance, and empathy on patients' satisfaction. 

The study also sought to show statistically significant differences in the level of service provided to patients that are due to the variables (Gender - Age - Educational level - Nationality) and it attained the following findings:

1.       Members of the study sample agreed on the Paragraphs regarding the (tangibility, quality assurance, reliability, and handling) standard theme with a response degree of (agree).

2.      Members of the study sample agreed on the Paragraphs regarding the (responsiveness) standard theme at a (medium) response degree.

3.      There are statistically significant differences between both males and females in the study themes, through the statistical significance level value of (T)-test for the two independent samples corresponding to each theme separately, which is less than (0.05) in all themes. 

4.      There are no differences in the themes (responsiveness, handling, and reliability) according to ages, which means there are no differences due to the age variable. This implies that the response to them did not differ according to ages. Nevertheless, we find the statistical significance level value for the (F)-test corresponding to the two themes (tangibility, and quality assurance) less than (0.05), which means that there are statistically significant differences between the means of these themes according to the age variable. This implies that response to these themes varies according to the different age groups for each of the sample members (patients).

5.      There are statistically significant differences between the two nationalities of the sample members in the study tool themes, which implies that response to the study tool themes varies according to the nationalities of each member of the sample.

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